Mikkelsen Values

Respect everyone as your equal, be trustworthy - be ambitious and execute

Today, we have changed from a little company to a company with 2 production sites and 3 locations. However, our values are still the same as in the days of Mik Mikkelsen:

  • Trustworthiness – never promise something you cannot fulfill
  • Ambitiousness – always strive towards the best solution for the customer
  • Execution – get the job done
  • Respect for the Individual – treat anyone as your equal


Jesper Høj
Jesper Høj
Chief Executive Officer
M: jho@mi-ec.com
Bent Ulsted Sørensen
Bent Ulsted Sørensen
Chief Technology Officer
M: bus@mi-ec.com
Ulla Mikkelsen
Ulla Mikkelsen
Chief Marketing Officer
M: uhm@mi-ec.com
Jovan Petkovic
Jovan Petkovic
Site Director Nis
M: jpe@mi-ec.com
T: +381 60 64 888 15
Robert Thornedahl
Chief Finance Officer
M: rth@mi-ec.com


Jesper Høj
Jesper Høj
Chief Executive Officer
M: jho@mi-ec.com
Anne M. Levinsen
Anne M. Levinsen
Director Defence Sales
M: aml@mi-ec.com
T: +45 4054 0882
Trine Skov Nielsen
Trine Skov Nielsen
Sales Consultant
M: tsn@mi-ec.com
T: +45 4434 0306
Christoffer Bruun
Christoffer Bruun
Sales Manager
M: cb@mi-ec.com
T: +45 4085 5060
Charlotte Lilholm Carpino
Charlotte Lilholm Carpino
Sales Consultant
M: clc@mi-ec.com
T: +45 4434 0309
Johan Günther-Hanssen
Johan Günther-Hanssen
Sales Manager
M: jgh@mi-ec.com
T: +46 737 562 077
Nataša Radosavljevic
Nataša Radosavljevic
Sales Manager
M: nra@mi-ec.com
T: +381 66 64 888 23
Jelena Jovanovic
Jelena Jovanovic
Sales Consultant
M: jjo@mi-ec.com
T: +381 60 64 888 28

Supply Chain

Jovan Petkovic
Jovan Petkovic
Supply Chain Officer
M: jpe@mi-ec.com
T: +381 60 64 888 15
Jesper Hebo
Jesper Hebo
Strategic Sourcing Manager
M: jh@mi-ec.com
T: +45 4434 0315
Tijana Baldi
M: tba@mi-ec.com
T: +381 66 64 888 29
Zoran Stankovic
Import/Export and Customs Specialist
M: zs@mi-ec.com
T: +381 60 64 888 02