Mekoprint A/S acuires Mikkelsen

Now over 325 specialists

Mekoprint has acquired all activities of Mikkelsen Electronics.

Mikkelsen went into bankruptcy during the summer vacation. With this acquisition, customer deliveries are resumed both from Mikkelsen Electronics' factories in Denmark and Serbia as part of the Mekoprint Cables division, which already has production facilities in Poland and Ukraine.

With this merger, over 325 specialists are now employed in the Mekoprint Cables division, where Mikkelsen Electronics particularly contributes expertise in low- and high-pressure molding of both cables and electronics, as well as several agencies within position sensors, ferrites, and special connectors.

Now with AQAP 2110 certification

Extra quality layer to existing quality system

NATO’s standard for quality requirements – AQAP – or Allied Quality Assurance Publications – is fundamental for suppliers of defence products and services. The standard applies to land, sea, or air products.

The AQAP 2110 is an extension to ISO 9001:2015 and describes a set of quality standards used by NATO. Needless to say: this is a quality lift for any manufacturer.

Mikkelsen is the first company in Denmark to be audited and certified by a Danish company, Bureau Veritas.

Interested in RFID?

Then join the RFID conference

It takes place at the IT University in Copenhagen 4 June 2024 and you can sign up here:


As always you can meet our RFID specialist at the conference so don't hold back.

Did you ever consider how often you use RFID?

Not many of us do

...but here are some good examples:

* Cash free payment – easy and safe payment by just placing your credit card on the reader.
* Admission control – RFID in your personal entry card so that you don’t have to bring a key.
* Public transport – Oyster Card, Rejsekortet etc. all have RFID for fare registration.
* Retail - what you find on the shelves in your supermarket is controlled by RFID.
* Libraries – follow the book and make a smooth and easy book lending system.
* Airports – among other things RFID help follow baggage in airports.
* Hospitals – improve patient safety and optimize logistics in hospitals.
* Pets – lost pets are easily identified with RFID.
* Security – RFID secure access for the right people
* Industry – built-in RFID secure right tooling and avoid costly production errors.

Feel free to add your own examples as comments.

Get in tough with us if you would like to optimize your production with RFID.


Behind One Giant Leap for Mankind Stand Companies Providing the Technology

Position Sensors in Space

When a new crew was sent off to the International Space Station on 26 August a lot of Danes followed the mission because of one specific person – the Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen. He and an international team were sent off on 26 August with a large list of things they need to investigate during their stay.

But they are not alone in space. Along with ISS there are also satellites and space probes and they all must operate under highly extreme conditions: heat, cold and the allover cosmic radiation can kill any living organism. So, what about delicate electronics? Well, this is where the technology and innovative approach of cutting-edge companies come in.

A good example is the sensors sitting in satellites driven by solar energy. To function the solar array must be directed exactly towards to sun - otherwise no power for the engine and measuring instruments.

Due to the physical circumstances the sensors must also be able to cope with heat and cold and still be operating. Potentiometric sensors based on conductive plastic work with durability and robustness on the space probe BepiColumbo that was sent off to Mercury in 2018. Or the Sentinel satellites used for earth observation or the planned JUICE-Mission which will be sent out to observe the Jupiter moon Ganymed.

And guess what: this sensor technology from the German company Novotechnik is affordable and can be used on numerous applications on Earth!

Stay tuned on this channel if you would like to know more about sensors in space.


Do you know everything about multiturn sensors and the benefits of GMR-effect?

Multiturn sensors in short

If not, here’s a short summary.

Multiturn sensors with GMR-effect (Giant-Magneto-Resistance) provide absolute position data. They do not need reference signals, power supply or buffer battery to detect the turns. Pretty smart, right?

So where is a multiturn sensor with GMR a good idea? Everywhere in applications where you need to know the position if the power supply fails.

Or it is placed in an inconvenient place where it is difficult to reset after power failure.

Mikkelsen’s longtime partner – Novotechnik – are super experienced in sensors that last and fit into almost every environment. One of the contributing factors to long life is the contactless technology. Through magnetism the sensor measures without being worn so wear parts are history.

Other features:

  • Measuring range up to 5760° (16 turns)
  • Resolution 16 bit
  • High IP
  • Miniature design
  • Full and hollow shaft variants

Want to know more about RFID and IoT?

Then sign up for "RFID and IoT in the Nordics" 7 June 2023

"RFID IoT in the Nordics" takes place in Copenhagen and you can be part of it.

We will of course be there to answer your questions and you can see examples of Neosid's tiny RFID tags that can be built into metal such as tools.

Conversion Kit “Stainless Steel Pivot Heads” for LWG/LWX series and TEX/TX2 series

For applications with very high humidity and media exposure, the use of rod ends made of stainless steel can be useful. For this reason we are offering two new conversion kits as accessories for the LWG/LWX and TEX/TX2 series, each with 2 pivot heads. The accuracy (play) of the stainless steel pivot heads corresponds to the standard pivot heads.
For larger quantities, special models with already mounted stainless steel pivot heads are recommended.

Content of accessory set
2x pivot head M8 with external thread 2x nut (stainless steel)
1x pivot head M5 with external thread, 1x pivot head M5 with internal thread

Information available so please contact us.

The conversion kits are available from approx. June 2023.

Focus on Lean leads to better quality and less waste in production.

55 operators at Mikkelsen Electronics Nis in Serbia have been certified in the basic principles of Lean.

Mikkelsen has always had focus on Lean but now we take it a step further by training all operators and production workers.

The topic of the training was “Organization of workplace and 5S method.”

Content of training was:

  • To learn about 8 types of waste in process.
  • How waste can influence on efficiency and how to reduce waste through 5S method.
  • Learn to recognize waste, necessary waste and adding value activities.
  • Why 5S helps to increase quality.
  • How to organize workplace/workspace with the 6M Elements of Lean Production.


Meet us at DDAC 8-9 Febuary

Danish Defence Annual Conference - DDAC - takes place at Comwell Hvide Hus Aalborg, Vesterbro 2, 9000 Aalborg

Come and meet us here or call us and make an appointment with our staff.

Happy New Year

We wish all our customers, suppliers and partners a Happy New Year.

Thank you for your cooperation and good teamwork with us and we are looking forward to an exciting 2023.

Your Mikkelsen Staff